Human Design is a captivating and transformative tool that unveils the intricate layers of your unique genetic makeup and expression as a human being. It delves into the fascinating world of energy mechanics, revealing precisely how these dynamics operate within you and in relation to everything around you.
My personal journey with Human Design began in 2017, and has been a profound journey.. Alongside the Gene Key's system, it has served as my guiding light, illuminating my path in life, since. Human Design is the wisdom and science of differentiation and has taught me to get out of my head, and into my body. It has taught me to see and listen to what is and the layers continues to unfold in this movie!
Join me on this enthralling expedition, and together, we'll unlock the mysteries of your energy blueprint and you will embrace a life of profound self-awareness. This is not knowledge to change yourself to become something your not, it is simply to activate dormant wisdom and I want to clarify that Human design doesn't promise anything else than potential of living out your destiny as yourself and works as an awareness and navigation tool. You get to experience your life with less resistance no matter what comes your way!
Human Design is your compass to gain a clearer, more objective perspective on life. It serves as your personal guide, inviting you to explore life with a fresh, objective perspective. Instead of simply providing answers, it empowers you to discover your own truths. Think of it as a mirror, revealing the intricate map of your inner world and shedding light on how life is presenting itself and how you make your decisions.
The wisdom of human design is to self observe and with that personal growth with insight and more rooted ways of facing life comes alive naturally. By embracing your unique rhythm, you embark on a journey to not only understand but also develop your communication skills and expand your understanding in and of your relationships. The deeper your self-awareness, the smoother it becomes to navigate the diverse landscape of human interactions.
While it may sound simple in theory, applying this knowledge in practice is a process. Human Design does not only illuminate your internal world but also how external factors might interfere with the way you make your decisions. It highlights the ripple effect of how your energy have influence on others, which might or might not depending on who you are; develop a greater sense of curiosity in your interactions with the world.
Are you curious to invest your time in contemplating how you move through life? Are you interested in unlocking a world of self-discovery, enriched relationships, and boundless curiosity of your unique flow. It's an investment in yourself that pays dividends in every facet of your life.
Get your free Human Design chart here. And get back here to apply for your sessions :) Looking forward to see you on the adventure!
Right now I am offering mentoring and coaching work in this way:
I love to keep the energy dynamic alive, through the time we work together and one of my strengths is to dig into information. I find that life happens and things might come up in between sessions and sometimes it can be tricky to plan to far ahead. When we keep a flowing ongoing conversation things naturally get clearer even through times of uncertainty and chaos. Human Design is a tool to help you see life when it happens as it happens in a clearer way. For you to feel like you invest in something that will be long-lasting this is an awesome opportunity.
You can choose to work with me for
3 months
6 months
12 months
There will be live sessions and communication via Whats Up or email in between sessions.
In between session I support you with the information that could be of value to you to understand the energy mechanics playing out in your life from an objective perspective. You can keep doing your life while I help you investigate perspectives for you through the lens of design but also through asking you the rights question to bring your natural rhythm and expression alive. It’s not about me doing the work for you. Our natural dynamic will unfold as we embark this journey together with all focus and attention on you activating that of what is in alignment with who you are. Unblocking and unlocking everything that is ready to be faced.
When we meet for sessions, we know more clearly what your patterns of blocks are and we can choose the tool of choice to work through your blocks which many times is just the conversation in and within itself. To integrate the insights we might turn to some practise to also fully feel what this new insight will mean for you in YOUR life.
Your choice of commitment:
3 months
6 months
12 months
I want to invest in people that want to invest in themselves therefor there are no shorter programs than 3 months. You can always apply for single sessions when we have already made sure we are a match.
Is this You?
I want to invest in a deeper relationship to myself
I want to understand my current situation with the perspective of human design and be coached and guided in that journey.
I love personal development and to grow and learn as an individual
I understand that it’s not one way fits all, I have to do life my way to have the life I want and I want to understand how I face my unique challenges, my own way.
I want to dig in deeper with the practical knowledge of human design and broaden my perspective of life in general in a non-overwhelming way.
I want to learn how to trust myself with my decisions and my challenges in life.
I do understand or want do deepen my understanding that everything is relational and how I relate to something is depending on where I am, how I am conditioned and how I am mechanically structured.
In a reading we go through Your general strengths and challenges.
In a season of living-your-design-coaching you'll get the support and investigation to move you into greater insights to how energy mechanics plays out in Your unique life.
You will get to know and learn how your unique nervous system works and learn about practises that helps you to be with yourself and your process of deconditioning.
Hello, you are awesome. There are so many aspects to look at when we come together. You are basically creating your own aura together so to investigate and to get smarter around how that plays out mechanically and why is ONLY gonna help you grow as a couple. When you choose to invest in your dynamic as a couple, you are investing in a sustainable relationship. It’s important for me that you undertand that how you enter a relationship is everything. We are working with humans design and decision making is everything here.
Family or business related work, send me an email and we can look at how we can set up a good working environment that works for all of us.
My name is Sara Starby and I work with deconditioning for you to access your authentic inner power and expression.
I work as a mentor/guide, healer and as a coach with my foundation in Human design.
My main tool is the Human Design system which I’ve been involved in since 2017. I am a self projecting projector, 4/1 profile and I’m exited to journey with you if it is meant to be! I am dedicated to this work because I see it very clearly how it plays out in real life. My strengths as a projector is to see things in new perspectives, get involved in systems and to assist you in working in an effective and authentic way. Whatever that is. I will guide you through your mental and emotional blocks, which will have you to stand on a solid powerful ground with yourself. Your self trust will strengthen and your relationship to how you show up in different areas in your life will get clearer because you KNOW how to BE with yourself with whatever you are facing. It's all mechanical!
Find out more about Sara here.
3 months
1 x 30 min. discovery call - WHERE ARE YOU?
1 x 90 min. Reading of your chart
2 x 60 min. live sessions
Unlimited access to chat and voicenotes - where I can support you with material & discuss where you are and energy mechanics etc.
15.900 SEK (inclusive tax)
25.900 SEK (inclusive tax)
You'll also receive 10% off on any added session during this time period.
6 months
1 x 30 min. discovery call - WHERE ARE YOU?
1 x 90 min. Reading of your chart
5 x 60 min. live sessions
Unlimited access to chat and voicenotes - where I can support you with material & discuss where you are and energy mechanics etc.
29.900 SEK (inclusive tax)
39.900 SEK (inclusive tax)
You'll also receive 20% off on any added session during this time period.
12 months
1 x 30 min. discovery call - WHERE ARE YOU?
1 x 90 min. Reading of your chart
10 x 60 min. live sessions
Unlimited access to chat and voicenotes - where I can support you with material & discuss where you are and energy mechanics etc.
49.900 SEK (inclusive tax)
59.900 SEK (inclusive tax)
You'll also receive 20% off on any added session during this time period.
1 hr 30 min
1,800 Swedish kronor
Follow my updates of the neutrino flow on Youtube
To know and understand how the neutrino flow has an individual impact, you want to have a foundational understanding how your Human Design chart operates in an energy-mechanical way. How do you receive information? ( Your open/undefined centers are your learning centers). What do you send out? (What is activated in your chart?)
Det finns inget bra eller dåligt i Human Design. Du lär dig med systemet att inte lägga värderingar eller orimliga förväntningar genom att se saker och ting för vad det är. Du väljer alltid hur du vill använda eller förhålla dig till energi. Även om du har konstant åtkomst till ett visst energiflöde betyder inte det att du använder den på ett positivt sätt och inte heller på ett negativt sätt. Frekvensen i hur energin flödar avgörs i hur du följer din unika strategi och auktoritet. Hur du utrycker dig och hur mycket du får uppleva dina jag och icke-jag teman beror på om du kan ta beslut utifrån din inre auktoritet eller inte och hur medveten du är i vad som kan influera och påverka dig.
Det finns ett center för att manifestera
Hals centret. Alla vägar leder till rom. Energi vill uttrycka sig. Det här centret ger uttryck för hur du manifesterar, hur du unikt är byggd för att kommunicera. Hals centret är det center som visar exakt hur olika den mänskliga varelsen uttrycker sig.
Två pressurecentre - stress center - bränsle centraler.
Huvud/Kron centrumet och Rot centrumet arbetar som bränsle centraler. De pressar på informationen ut till de övriga centrumen.
Det här är energi som sätter igång. Öppna centrumen tar in kraften med energi från omgivningen. Sätter press på oss att prestera. De här centrumen sätter press på oss ‘att veta’ och ‘att göra’- att tänka och att hålla oss levande.
Huvudet ställer frågan, skickar vidare denna energi som sen reser vidare genom Ajna centrum där idéer bearbetas för att sen resa vidare och uttrycka sig i hals centret.
Adrenalin kommer från rotcentret vilket arbetar som ett bränsle som tar sig till Splenic (mjälte) center, Solar plexus och Sakrala centrumen för att sen resa vidare till hals centret där det uttrycker sig på något sätt.
Tre medvetenhet centrum
I ett medvetenhets centrum processas energi. Den här energin kan man inte “pusha” fram. Spleen center, Ajna center och Solar plexus är potentiella centrum för självmedvetenhet.
De här centrumen fungerar genom att sålla ut hur upplevelsen är relaterat till kropp sinne eller själs medvetenhet. De andra 6 centrumen fungerar mer mekaniskt.
Energin reser genom de olika centrumen och tillslut når hals centrumen för att uttrycka sig som medveten intelligens; antingen som Spleen (mjälte) intelligens -som har att göra med överlevnads instinkter, Mental intelligens -kognitiv medvetenhet eller Solar plexus - Emotionell eller Andlig intelligens - social medvetenhet.
Fyra motor centrum
Rot centrum, Solar plexus, Sakrala och Hjärt/Ego centrum fungerar som motorer.
Rot = momentum att fortsätta framåt
Solar Plexus = Den emotionella vågen genererar önskan/begäran för upplevelse, relationer, intimitet, andlighet.
Sakrala = Den kreativa livskraften , genererar energin till fortplantning.
Hjärt/Ego= genererar energin bakom egot. Jag, min, mitt. Källan för motivation, viljekraft. Den hjälper oss att överleva på det materiella planet.
Alla motorer genererar energi.
Ett identitetcenter
G centre = Hem till The Magnetic Monopole.
Det är här vår egen unika kontakt med den universella kraften genererar. Identitet och riktning genom tid och rum. Denna magnetiska monopol drar livet till och mot oss. Det här är kontakten till din egen naturliga takt och flöde. Man kan säga att Universum lever genom oss. Magnetic monopol håller ditt unika geometriska mönster.
Känslor och riktning i livet behövde ta större plats. Det är därför vi inte är så skickliga på att hantera känslor, det är ganska nytt för oss. Evolutionen går från ett djurisk, instinktivt medvetande till ett rationellt sinne-styrt medvetande, nu påväg mot ett spirituellt och holistiskt medvetande.